Just think when I am done
Title itself denotes its more about one have done all that one could and one enters into the next phase of life.Revolution is a phase, a mood, like spring, and just as spring has its buds and showers, so revolution has its ebullience, its bravery, its hope, and its solidarity. Some of these things pass.
Anytime I write something, I go through so many phases. I go through the 'I'm a Fraud' phase. I go through the 'I'll Never Finish' phase. And every once in a while you think, 'What if I actually have created what I set out to create, and it's received as such?'But today I am going to write about "just think when I am done".
I would like to share my own experiences as the example for you all. I have finished my studies and as soon I think, I am done, I enter into my career part of my life. I thought myself as I have finished all my duties perfectly, when I got a chance to enter into the next phase of my life. I was very happy to celebrate that exact moment. It was on 1 JAN, 2017 when I got a job offer from a software firm. That was the exact moment which I thought I was done and I was able to get ready to enter into the corporate phase. And now, I think I am almost ready to enter the next phase of my life. One can think that he is done, when he has done their tasks perfectly. One should feel really happy to celebrate the exact moment. That moment would be so special in one's life. One can own the special moments. If your day goes as you expected to spend, you can think yourself as you are done for the day and can get ready for tomorrow's.
Just When I Think I Am Done, I am reminded very softly that you are not and it is just the start of things. Life gets stuck into things without you even knowing about it and just when you think you are out of it, you realize you are deeper into it. I guess this is how life goes. Just learn to enjoy every moment because one thing is for sure that they are not gonna come back.
I hope you enjoyed my blog and always do your duties perfectly and be positive always I strongly believe that Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results so,Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.